Colors and website design
When we start to create a website, we need to choose colors and find a visually appealing color scheme to apply to the pages, always keeping consistency. Color is a very important element in website design as it may be used to help the visitors to navigate, guiding them to find what they need, it can create a pleasant experience and seduce the visitor to stay on the website and it will communicate the brand of the business or reflect the organization values.
To select the most suitable set of colors to apply to the website and create visually appealing websites, it's important to understand color theory and models, color harmonies, and remember a few psychology color-related rules. 
The chosen color palette must reflect the brand and the website's purpose. Color palettes can be monochromatic, analogous, complementary, or triadic, and several websites can help to generate color palettes, like Adobe Color or Coolors.
Throughout your site, text content should remain legible and stand out from the background, and the way to do this is by using color contrast correctly and choosing the font color that best stands out comparing the background color.
It's also very important to remember that the same colors have different meanings, depending on the culture and the same color may be associated to distinct subjects or situations. We must be careful and do some research when selecting colors to avoid to pass the wrong message.
Another aspect of this subject is related with the way color look along different screens. So, it's a good idea to test the website on different devices and check the consistency and the accessibility. There are useful tools to help with this, like ColorSafe and Contrast Checker.

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Colors and website design

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