What makes a good website?
Thinking about what makes a good website, means thinking about a website that is easy to navigate, and makes its visitors able to find what they are looking for, getting a pleasant experience at the same time, it must convey a message and also engage the visitor.  If so, the website will accomplish its goal.
Website pages must be user-friendly and provide intuitive elements. It's also important that a good website loads quickly, as slow loading times can lead to a high bounce rate, and display properly, adjusting to the chosen device. The use of mobile devices has been increasing exponentially, and a considerable number of visitors access the website for the first time, or even exclusively, through a mobile device. For this reason, it's really important to optimize a website for different screen sizes and devices.
To engage and convert visitors, the website content must be well organized, trustable, and relevant, being useful or solving the problem of whom is navigating along the pages. Anyway, even if the website provides value and its content worth a visit, the website will lose its value if it's not accessible by all the visitors, taking their specific characteristics into consideration and including those with disabilities.
What else can contribute to getting a good website? A website may be very attractive and its contents may be very useful and accessible, but this is not enough to get the website known on the internet, as it has got to be found and seen. All the website pages should be optimized for search engines, using keywords and backlinks, making it easier for users to find the right page when they promote a search related to its content or goals.
Finally, we must remember that the website is a valuable marketing tool that helps the brand to be recognizable. It can seem obvious, but it is important to assure that the new website will have a clear brand identity and consistent design elements. The typography and color schemes must be carefully chosen, according to several principles related to Psychology concepts and user experience guidance, to create a professional and attractive image. 
Concluding, remember these crucial elements to get a good website, and this way gets an opportunity to spread your brand and increase conversions.
What makes a good website

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